Thursday, October 31, 2019
Global Warming Statistics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Warming Statistics - Assignment Example Fellow citizens, extreme weather events will be the new order of events in the world resulting from carbon emissions saturated in the air. Sandy is just one of the recent storm events that caused great destruction. In fact, the storm destroyed 76,000 homes and businesses in New Jersey. Of these, some were hospitals that need about $3 billion to resume work. Governor Cuomo Stated that New York City needs about $42 billion in total to recover form this storm (Beinecke web). Over the past decades, statistics reveal that surface temperatures have gone up by a significant amount (0.6), degrees with two-thirds of the increase occurring in the 1980s with the onset of industrialization. Many of the Americans now believe that global warming is an issue that needs to be handled with great urgency. 70% of them believe it is real and 90% believe that it is caused by human activity. At least 31 Billion tons of carbon dioxide is released to the environment every day, causing the greenhouse effect. Accumulated carbon dioxide in the environment in the past 100 years have resulted in a rise in the sea level by 17.5 cm, which is quite alarming (Mason web) Causes and Effects For sure, carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere is the greatest contributor of global warming. When carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping emissions are released to the atmosphere, they act as a blanket that traps and keeps heat. You realize that the introduction of fossil fuels to drive cars and run industries have not left our atmosphere the same. Other human activities that add carbon emissions to the atmosphere include deforestation and burning of charcoal, which leave the atmosphere bare and unable to purify the air.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How I have improved My Mastery of English language through the Essay
How I have improved My Mastery of English language through the Semester - Essay Example It is true that when one is proficient in English language, he stands a better chance of fitting in almost all societies of the world. Taking into account the aforementioned significance of the language, I have been very keen and attentive in class just to ensure that I get maximum knowledge possible from the class lessons. I have also been carrying out expounded research on the English language considering broadness and continuing growth of the language. I sincerely have to admit that I have benefited hugely from English lesions that I attended since the beginning of this semester. It is worth mentioning that English lessons I attended through this semester have helped to improve my reading and writing skills. Before the beginning of this semester, I was incapable of writing constructively in English language classes. This was because I had not mastered the basic rules of grammar such as punctuation, fluent flow of ideas, and most of the time I was confusing spellings and as such lo sing the intended meanings of what I intend to communicate. To be precise, I had flat reading style without any fluctuation despite the demand within the sentence. To this end, I must confess the great improvement that I have made since the beginning of the semester since I can construct flawless sentences and compose appealing papers. The English lessons I have been attending through this semester have helped in improving my speech techniques and expressions. This course has been very beneficial to me especially since it provided me with the opportunity to read various books and articles that have enabled me to improve the level of my writing and expression in the English language. I can say that the level of my proficiency in both written and spoken English has significantly improved as compared to the previous semester. Furthermore, I have also been able to improve my hand writing to a more legible form than it was at the beginning of the semester. Moreover, the English lessons I have been attending through the semester have acquainted me with sufficient skills of reading, analyzing, interpreting, and answering particular questions in passages and other grammatical texts The English lessons I have been attending throughout the semester have assisted me in enhancing my grammar as can be observed from the improvement in the manner I use the various parts of speech to present well written academic papers. I have also learned how to describe events and items through proper use of different types of adjectives. It is also worth mentioning that the English lessons through the semester have assisted in improving my knowledge of other fields of study as I can now read and write various concepts without the slightest form of contradictions. To add, English lessons I have been attending through the semester have assisted in improving my spelling accuracy as well as avoiding the temptation to engage in direct translation of words from my native language to English. Wi th all the stated and observable improvements that I have undergone through the English lessons in this semester, I still have some problems that I hope can be resolved when assisted. The first problem that I still encounter concerns appropriate use of punctuation marks when writing sentences. The most notable punctuation marks that pose challenges my resolve to be a notable writer English language are the semi colons and colons. I have been facing repeated confusion on the appropriate time to use either the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Performance Appraisal: Textile Sector
Performance Appraisal: Textile Sector The present study was under taken with such a task in mind and it aims at unearthing the strengths and weakness of the current performance appraisal system in textile industry Coimbatore that is prevalent in the organization that sponsored this research work. Since organizations exist to achieve goals. The degree of success that individual employees have in reaching their individuals goals is important in determining organizational effectiveness. The assessment of how successful employees have been at meeting their individual goals, therefore, becomes a critical part of Human Resource Management. This leads us to the topic of Performance Appraisal. This project aims at knowing Performance Appraisal System in this research has studied the work atmosphere and the welfare measures provided by the organization. It also aims at finding out the employees relationship with the management. This survey is done within the organization. The sample size is 110. The data was collected by administering questionnaire and by adopting direct personal contact method. The persons met are all employees of the industry. Collections of data were analyzed and tabulated in a sequential manner and the interpretations are given along with the tabulation. The conclusion observations are also given in this report for the improvement of this system in the organization. Key Words: Appraiser, Self reliant, Appraisal, Judgmental, Distributive, Interactional INTRODUCTION The performance appraisal plays a vital role in identifying the productivity of workers; it also helps the company for its overall growth. It is the systematic evaluation of the performance of employees and to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development. Performance appraisal is generally done in systematic ways which are as follows, the supervisors measure the pay of employees and compare it with targets and plans, the supervisor analyses the factor behind work performance of employees, and the employees are in the position to guide the employees for a better performance. In India, Textile Industry is one of the oldest and foremost industries and it provides tremendous opportunities for employment and huge amount as revenue. The Indian Government is also playing a major role in promoting the textile industries. Cotton is the most popular fiber and used to make clothing. Textile Industry is providing one of the most basic needs of people and it hold import ance. Maintain sustained growth for improving quality of life. It has a unique position as a self-reliant industry, from the production of raw materials to the delivery of finished products, with substantial value-addition at each stage of processing; it is a major contribution to the countrys economy. TEXTILE INDUSTRY IN COIMBATORE: Coimbatore is called the South Indian Manchester. The climate in Coimbatore city is very favorable for the development of textile industries. The easy availability of raw materials, sufficient skilled laborers, humid and soft wind prevailing in Coimbatore district are the other major factors for the development of the textile industry in Coimbatore. There are 98 textile firms in Coimbatore district in which few of the industry are taken into account for the study on the same. India has abundant natural resources in terms of availability of natural fibers like cotton, silk, wool etc. India is the third largest producer of cotton in the world and accounts for about 12% of the total world production. The availability of cheap cotton has been one of the biggest advantages to Indian exporters. OBJECTIVES To study about the employees opinion about performance appraisal. To gain practical knowledge about the various factors that forms part of performance appraisal To study about how they view the present appraisal method To provide opportunities for the employees to express their ideas REVIEW OF LITERATURE: Mowday, R.T., Steers, R.M., Porter, L.M. 1979 an employees perception of justice in the performance appraisal process will also affect the effectiveness of the performance appraisal process. Justice is thought to have three categories, procedural, distributive, and interactional justice. In a performance appraisal setting, a lack of justice in one area is predicted to have the same effect as a violation of justice in all areas. If an employee perceives that the system processes are fair, the supervisors efforts to distribute rewards and punishments based on outcomes of the process, and that the employee is treated fairly, the employees perception of justice will be high. Craig Eric Schneier and Richard W. Beatty, July 1979 Despite its standard practice in most public and private organizations for more than 50 years, performance appraisal still has many problems. Raters show resistance to criticizing subordinates, and the judgmental aspect of evaluating human performance is subject to both covert (subjective and individual) and overt (prejudice and bias) errors. Raters often arent trained in employee counseling and may be forced to conduct performance appraisals with inadequate or erroneous information about rate performance. American Institutes for Research, Washington, D.C.: AIR, 1979 In a 1984 study in New England, 16 raters (Extension administrators designated by their state Extension director as having agent performance appraisal responsibility) completed EABRARS on 141 rural New England Extension agents.5 Reliability analysis of the total ratings indicated that EABRARS was an internally consistent, highly reliable instrument. Differences between New England agents were detected at the .05 confidence level with respect to age, subject-matter area, years of experience, and state of employment. Nemeroff Wexley, 1979 study shows that employees are likely to feel more satisfied with their appraisal result if they have the chance to talk freely and discuss their performance. It is also more likely that such employees will be better able to meet future performance goals. Employees are also more likely to feel that the appraisal process is fair if they are given a chance to talk about their performance. This especially, when they are permitted to challenge and appeal against their evaluation. Proper feedback has to be given about their performance to the appraises. Robert M. Guion, the State of the Art, November 5-6, 1982, pp. 3-4Twenty years ago, nearly all civil servants in the central government of OECD member countries were paid according to service-incremental salary scales. This is not to say that civil servants previously lacked performance incentives. Promotions, and especially those into senior management, were rigorously controlled, serving partly as an incentive but partly also as a way of ensuring the independence of the public service with regard to the executive and thus its ability to serve governments of different political persuasions. Remuneration has been seen as an alternative or a complementary incentive to promotion. Socio-economic pressures have led to the need for types of incentives other than promotion to strengthen performance management. Craig Eric Schneier and Richard W. Beatty, May 1988 To try to rectify some of the problems, Smith and Kendall developed Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales, better known as BARS. The BARS format deals with measurable behaviors, not personality, provides raters and rates with clear statements of performance goals, and is based on a specific, thorough job analysis. Using BARS, raters focus on specific rate behaviors. These behaviors are compared to specific examples (job dimensions and anchors developed from the job analysis) that provide concrete benchmarks for making appraisal judgments. BARS are mainly used to measure the behaviors of rates. Dulewicz (1989), a basic human tendency to make judgments about those one is working with, as well as about oneself. Appraisal, it seems, is both inevitable and universal. In the absence of a carefully structured system of appraisal, people will tend to judge the work performance of others, including subordinates, naturally, informally and arbitrarily. This study, by Heneman, Greenberger Anonyou (1989) reported that in groupers are subordinates who seem to be favored by their supervisors. In their relationship with the boss, they enjoy a high degree of trust, interaction, support and rewards. Tsui, A.S. OReilly, C.A. 1989 most studies focus on the performance appraisal where the supervisor evaluates his or her employees. In this paper, based upon two research projects, we look at both sides of the coin. In one study subordinates evaluated their supervisors, in the other one the focus was upon supervisors perception of their subordinates. The contribution aims to determine whether age-related stereotyping plays a significant role in performance appraisals. In both studies, it was determined whether the assesses age is negatively related with the assessors view on his or her competencies. Age is taken into consideration for appraisal rating in the above study. Longenecker (1989) argues that accuracy in performance appraisal is impossible to achieve, since people play social and political games, and they protect their own interests. No savvy manager, says Longenecker, is going to use the appraisal process to shoot himself or herself in the foot.Accuracy in performance appraisal is a major drawback to the system. Recent research (Bannister Balkin, 1990) has reported that appraisees seem to have greater acceptance of the appraisal process, and feel more satisfied with it, when the process is directly linked to rewards. Such findings are a serious challenge to those who feel that appraisal results and reward outcomes must be strictly isolated from each other. Rewards and work performance are directly linked with each other. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY: The study was more of a descriptive in nature and it was the survey research design that was used in, by taking a sample of elements at one point of time. The researcher adopted this type of research design to systematically gather the information from the respondents for the purpose of understanding and predicting some aspects concerned with the performance appraisal system in their organization. The sample unit of the study was 110 employees of Textile Company in Coimbatore Primary data: Primary data has been collected through a structured questionnaire. Secondary data: Secondary data has been collected from the books, journals, project reports and Internet. Data was collected through structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was divided into three parts First section dealt with the queries relating to the personal details of the employees Second section dealt with the queries relating to the awareness about performance appraisal Third section dealt with queries relating to views about the present appraisal system. TOOLS FOR ANALYSIS: The primary data for the study was collected through structured questionnaire and has been analyzed using percentages and represented by pie charts and bar diagrams are used wherever necessary. Mean score value has also been used. 1) Score value = No. of respondents*score Mean score value = score value/No. of respondents 2) Percentage value = no of respondents/total no of respondent*100 CHI-SUARE [X2] TEST: X2 test is based on the Chi- Square distribution and it is a parametric test. It is used for comparing a sample variance to a theoretical population variance. In a non- parametric test, no assumption about the parameters of the population is made. These tests have become very popular because, they can be applied in any type of distribution, they are easy to compute and they can be used in situations when parametric test cannot be applied. Conditions to be satisfied for applying chi-square test Data should have been collected at random. Items constituting the sample should be independent. The total number of items should be at least 50. From the chart above it is understood that most of the employees in textile industry fall under the category of the age group between 46-55 years and also most of the employees are from the under graduate background. TABLE INDICATING THE YEARS OF SERVICE AND THE INCOME OF EMPLOYEES: From the chart above it is clearly understood that the workers with more than 10 years of experience only earning a return of Rs. 8001 and more. The employees with more years of service are expected to perform well as they have very good experience in their work. FACTORS INFLUENCING PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL The ranking of factors given by the respondents show that behavior with peers, dependability, behavior and attitude towards superiors, initiative, and attendance were ranked very high. They felt those factors have to be given higher weightages in the appraisal form. There are respondents who have ranked quality of work and cooperation on lower side. There were respondents who felt that all the factors in the appraisal system should be given equal weightage and there was no meaning in awarding high weightages to few factors. OPINION ABOUT THE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL RATING The above table clearly shows that opportunities to increase job satisfaction, need of appraisal for employee, encouragement by raters and knowledge about the appraisal system, are high for employees. Assistance by organization, monetary reward unbiased assessment and satisfaction with the present system were rated average. This may be due to reasons like the employees are not given feedback about their performance since it is maintained confidentially. But the need of appraisal, knowledge about system, encouragement and opportunities to employees were rated high because they want to know about their work performance. CHI-SQUARE ANALYSIS GENDER AND YEARS OF SERVICE TEST STATISTIC: Null hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant relationship between gender and years of service. Alternative hypothesis (H1): There is a close relationship between gender and years of service. RESULT: The result that the calculated value is less than the tabulated value, we accept the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is no significant difference between the gender and years of service. MARITAL STATUS AND MONTHLY INCOME (in Rs) TEST STATISTIC RESULT: The result that the calculated value is more than the tabulated value, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Therefore there is a significant difference between the marital status and monthly income. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS: From the study it if found out that, most of the respondents feel that the appraisal system creates confidence and hence increase the production level of the employees which in turn will increase their income in one hand. Many employees in the textile industry are not aware of the errors that is caused by performance appraisal like halo effect, horns effect, central tendency and leniency. Majority of them have no idea about errors and its types in the appraisal system. Good training can help improve the appraisal system to prevent errors while rating. Raters are expected to observe the performance in order to judge ones effectiveness and skill in the work condition. Also the superior should avoid bias in appraising their subordinates. The system could be made open to a possible extent and discussions could be encouraged. The employees can come to know about their performance appraisal, how are they rated and what other improvements they can do to their performance. The organization m ight take up steps to arrange discussions and make the employee aware of how he is getting along and what improvements he needs, where and how he can best utilize his capabilities and skills. Most traditional methods emphasize either the task or the personality of the individual while making an appraisal. In such evaluations, bias always prevails. To bring about a balance the evaluation of task and personality and the modern methods of appraisal by results of MBO can be used. Performance appraisal motivates employees and influences their productivity and ensures that they are producing at acceptable levels. Performance evaluation system could be linked to company objectives to get better results and good performance of the employees. Effectiveness of any appraisal system depends on how all the users of the system understand the purposes, accept and strive for achieving them. For designing any system, employee and managerial performance should be taken into consideration. From the study, it is found that feedback to the employees is not proper in the organization. Periodical and routine feedback can be given to the employees for their good performance in the work, which motivates the employee to enrich the relationship between the superiors and subordinates.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Computer Crime Essay -- Technology
The introduction of computers in to the modern household has brought with it new moral issues. In the last 10 years computers have become increasingly cheaper to buy, due to huge technological advances and fierce competition, driving prices down. It the wake of the computer revolution the internet has followed quickly, becoming faster, cheaper and more accessible. With these technological advances the world has become increasingly smaller enabling piracy and file sharing to become common practice. Society now has many new issues to work through, from invasion of privacy to the copying of movies and hacking. To define exactly what computer ethics is a difficult task due to it being tied to an evolving technology, the field changes whenever the technology changes. Computer ethics did not truly exist as an ethical discipline until the 1970ââ¬â¢s. Walter Maner was the first to use such a term stating it as ââ¬Å"ethical problems aggravated, transformed or created by computer technologyâ⬠[Maner, 1978]. While new ethical problems have arisen he also stated that old or existing problems have been made worse due to the expansion of information technology. Since then, several people have had different views on what computer ethics actually is. In 1985 Deborah Johnson wrote a book entitled Computer ethics. It defined computer ethics as the study that ââ¬Å"pose new versions of standard moral problems and moral dilemmas, exacerbating the old problems, and forcing us to apply ordinary moral norms in uncharted realmsâ⬠[Johnson, 1985]. Johnson was similar to that of Maner however; she did not believe computers created new ethical issues. Instead, recommending computers solely altered the existing issues by giving them a ââ¬Å"twistâ⬠. The best defini... ...arter Kit in Computer Ethics, Helvetia Press (published in cooperation with the National Information and Resource Center for Teaching Philosophy). [Originally self-published by Maner in 1978.] Moor, James H. (1985) "What Is Computer Ethics?" In Bynum, Terrell Ward, ed. (1985) Computers and Ethics, Blackwell, 266-75. [Published as the October 1985 issue of Metaphilosophy.] Spafford, Eugene, et al. (1989) Computer Viruses: Dealing with Electronic Vandalism and Programmed Threats, ADAPSO. Tavani, Herman T. (1999) "Privacy On-Line," Computers and Society, Vol. 29, No. 4, 11-19. TechWeb. (April 15, 2004) "Average PC plauged with 28 pieces of Spyware" (CMP), Avaliable: (Acessed: September 17, 2005) Webster's New Millenniumâ⠢ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6) Copyright à © 2003-2005 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Positive Effects of Globalization Essay
Globalization has been credited with bringing an increased transparency in the world and communication technology has played a major role in this. Governments can now exchange data, research, analysis, and reports with each other on a real-time basis and this has led to increased cooperation between nations. One of the symbolic manifestations of globalization is the presence of multi-national brands across the globe. Companies like Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Nike etc. are present in a number of countries and to conduct their business smoothly and effectively, they rely on communication technology to a large extent. The latest innovations in web-conferencing have made it possible for businessmen to interact with each other in a better way. The developments that we have seen in the business sector would have never been possible without the presence of an effective communication system. One of the prime examples is the surge in outsourcing that we have seen over the last decade of so. Most US companies have saved around 30% to 50% of their costs by taking their back-office, billing Globalization: Pros and Cons The term ââ¬Ëglobalizationââ¬â¢ is profoundly contentious. Where there are some highly appreciated advantages of this ideology of integrating cultures, the world has witnessed some enormously threatening effects of the same too. Its pros and cons simultaneously support and contradict its impact on the world economy. While the ones advocating globalization believe that it is because of this trend that poor economies have regained their hopes and faiths of developing financially, thus, raising their standards of living, the ones contradicting it believe that globalization is the only reason behind elite and high-profile multinational companies trashing local cultures and beliefs, domestic small-scale businesses, and commoners, in the rush to attain an international status. This instigates us to put forth numerous questions like What is the future of globalization with such ambiguities associated? How are cultures going to revive now? All in all, it is upon the masses to keep a check on our sanctities and traditions, and be all the more tolerant as today, interaction in-person is no more prevalent. Issues will crop up, things would be misunderstood, and the power to tolerate will be tested every now and then. In order to properly balance between the benefits and prices that globalization is associated with, it is highly essential to adjudicate as to how the process of globalization works, and the norms and standards that it consorts with itself. It is then that we can seek an all-inclusive answer to globalizationââ¬â¢s actual role and purpose within the world economy. The impact of communication technology can be seen in the education sector as well. There are a lot of students who are now able to get access to information through Internet. Students can now get certifications from foreign Universities by completing an online program. These innovations have brought a marked difference to the way education is imparted and has led to an improvement in the quality of education. The impact of globalization on banking industry has been prominent and today we can see various banks being streamlined through effective communication channels. The innovation has also led to the globalization of banking industry as leading banks from all over the world now have their offices in almost every country of the world. While the impact of communication technology has been overly positive, it has led to certain challenges. There is a wide disparity when it comes to access to technology between developing and developed nations. The developing nations do not have a proper infrastructure in place, which has created challenges for a lot of people in these countries. This can be disadvantageous to the developing countries and can lead to economic disparity. Globalization cannot be exclusive as it encompasses the whole world and it is important that corrective actions are taken to ensure that weaker sections of the society are not neglected. There has been a lot of progress in the last few years and developing countries like Nigeria and Kenya have started to take steps to encourage their people to be acquainted with the latest developments in communication technology. It is important to remember that there are various factors that have contributed to globalization and communication technology is just one of them. However, it has played one of the most important roles in spreading globalization. The concerns that are associated with the disparity can be countered by making further innovations in communication technology. Globalization has several advantages on the economic, cultural, technological, social, and other fronts. Any myths existing in the mind regarding these must be dispelled. Globalization means increasing the interdependence, connectivity, and integration on a global level, with respect to the social, cultural, political, technological, economic, and ecological levels. It is the collaboration of countries to provide a boost to trade practices, and also to reduce cultural differences. Its various advantages can be felt all across the globe by one and all, and also to a very large extent in our daily lives. Obviously, now we understand that globalization is here to stay. Here are the most common and important advantages that globalization, over time, has brought about for mankind. These have been listed in no particular order, and are all vital in their own way. Peaceful Relations Most of the countries have resorted to trade relations with each other in order to boost their economy, leaving behind any bitter past experiences if any. Nations now try to raise capital and fortify their stand in international trade, rather than hosting a war. Thus, globalization has induced international peace and security in a big way. Free Trade Free trade is a policy in which a country does not levy taxes, duties, subsidies or quota on the import/export of goods or services from other countries. There are countries which have resolved to free trade in specific regions. This allows consumers to buy goods and services, comparatively at a lower cost. Global Connectivity Globalization has promoted international connectivity. With the use of the Internet, the world has definitely become a smaller place. There has been exchange of thoughts and ideas which has morally boosted and interlinked the mindset of people all round the world. New Markets The opportunities for new markets has increased dramatically. Numerous companies have started investing in different countries and luring customers for their brands. These ever-expanding markets have helped countries to raise capital in terms of foreign domestic investments, thus improving the economy of the country. Employment Opportunities One of the most advantageous factors of globalization is that it fosters the generation of employment. This happens due to the emergence of new companies and new markets, where lots of skilled and unskilled labor is required. Immigration between countries also increases, providing better opportunities for people all round the world. By providing employment, globalization helps in increasing the standard of living of the people, and also reduces poverty. Quality Products The competition among different companies finds place at an international level. It becomes important for the companies to focus on quality goods and services, in order to have a strong foothold in the market. The consumer is benefited in the process, and gets quality products at cheaper rates. He/she also gets the opportunity to select his goods from a large variety available in the market. Environmental Protection Mutual trade carried out by countries has brought about an understanding for the protection of the environment from which they benefit so much. It has been accepted by most countries that action needs to be taken in saving natural resources and wildlife, without thinking about the boundaries that separate them. Global environmental problems like cross-boundary pollution, over-fishing in the oceans, climate change, etc., are solved by discussions and conventions. Good for Developing Nations It is claimed that globalization increases the economic prosperity of developing nations. Developed countries invest in such countries with an aim of capturing new markets, which helps them improve their infrastructure and technologies to international levels. A lot of capital is invested in such projects, which in turn proves fruitful to the economy of the developing nation as well. Equality for All Globalization has helped in creating international criminal courts, and international justice movements are also launched to provide justice to people at a global level. Disputes are solved through global standards such as patents, copyright laws, and world trade agreements. Thus, it has ensured that people do not get discriminated with regard to country, caste, creed or sex. Ease of Transportation With the advent of globalization, there has been an immense increase in the transportation of goods and services worldwide. Things which took weeks for conveyance, can now easily be availed within a couple of days. Due to the development of containerization for ocean shipping, transportation costs are reduced to a great extent, lowering the cost of products in world markets. Travel and Tourism Globalization has promoted tourism to great heights. There are many places that have tourism as their main source of capital generation. International trade among different countries also helps in increasing the number of tourists that visit different places around the world. Unity in Diversity Globalization has helped in bringing about integrity and social understanding everywhere. The dream for a global village becomes realistic after looking at the impact of globalization. It has helped in removing some barriers that had kept the world divided on various grounds. There has been propagation of democratic ideas among countries. Cross-cultural contacts grow and cultural diffusion takes place, which helps in minimizing differences, and promotes companionship. External Borrowing It has often been seen that a poor country is unable to provide adequate financing to its companies, which proves to an obstacle in the development of the country on the whole. With the help of globalization, there is opportunity for corporate, national, and sub-national borrowers to have better access to external finance, with facilities such as external commercial borrowing and syndicated loans. It is a common belief that globalization plays a role just at international levels of trade and commerce, but the fact is that it has played an important role in making our lives much more comfortable too. The phones, apparels, gadgets or accessories that we use in our day-to-day life are be available to us through globalization. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are all under the impact of globalization, and more importantly it has helped in bringing international peace and justice to mankind. Read more at Buzzle:
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Biology Lab Essay
1.Discuss how to protect yourself from body fluids, such as saliva and blood. oGloves protect you whenever you touch blood, body fluids. The use of gloves also decreases the risk of disease transmission if you are pricked with a needle. Always wear gloves for handling items or surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids. oWash your hands and other skin surfaces immediately after they come in contact with blood or body fluids. oMasks and protective eyewear, such as goggles or a face shield, help protect your eyes, mouth, and nose from droplets of blood and other body fluids. Always wear a mask and protective eyewear if you are doing a procedure that may expose you to splashes or sprays of blood or body fluids. oAprons protect you from splashes of blood or body fluids. Always wear a gown or apron if you are doing a procedure that may expose you to splashes or sprays of blood or body fluids 2.Why should you consider a body fluid capable of infecting you with disease? o I think you should be aware and alert because its precaution to practice when youre working in a lab setting. 3.Describe how to dispose of waste material contaminated with body fluids. o You should dispose all waste material in the correct disposal area, and you can throw away the waste materials in the biohazard container. 4. Explain how to safely plug and unplug an electrical device. o When you plug in such electrical equipment, make sure you include the ground plug round. Hold the plug firmly by the insulating cover when plugging it in or unplugging it. Never unplug an electrical device by pulling on its cord. 5.Discuss how to protect yourself from preservatives used on biological specimens. o You would protect yourself from preservatives used on a biological specimen by wearing gloves and safety glasses. Do not shake the container or put the specimen back in the container. 6.Why are special biohazard containers used for biological waste? o Biohazard containers are used to separate infectious, contaminated or dangerous material from other materials that wouldnââ¬â¢t be labeled as such and to protect us and the environment. Also the disposing of biohazard material is done differently than normal material.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Health in America Professor Ramos Blog
Health in America Why is America one of the fattest countries? Obesity is an issue in America and everyday someone is dying from the effects of it. Diabetes, fatty liver disease, stroke and high blood pressure are all side effects of obesity. With all this bad food so easily accessible it is no wonder everyone is having health problems and struggling with weight. There are statistics that show the increasing rates of weight gain in America over the years and it could be to do with all the fast food restaurants that are everywhere in sight, educating youth on health and portion control. All these little changes can be inexpensive and easy to fix but very affective. If more people cared about our health and how it is affecting peoples everyday lives there would be a lot more happier, healthier, motivated people around, not to mention a longer life span. While exercising is very important the majority of a healthy life style is what we consume and use to fuel our bodies. With unhealthy habits all aroun d tempting us to make and decisions it can be hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle. America is so unhealthy because of all the fast food everywhere we look. At every corner there is a cheap fast food place with food that is easy to get. In an article in USA Today there are fourteen-thousand Mcdonalds in the country. With everyone being too busy or too lazy to cook, these places are an easy, go to place for a quick cheap meal. Fast food is also very addicting and leaves people wanting more because of the addictive ingredients such as unnecessary refined sugar that is in every item at a fast food place. I think there should be more healthy fast food places with less calorie options as well as the current existing ones offering more healthier options. The ââ¬Å"healthyâ⬠options at a place like Mcdonalds such as their salad can have more calories than a cheeseburger if you look at the nutritional guides. So even some of the food being advertised as healthy are deceiving. This can lead to someone thinking they are eating healthy and being told that they are but in reality, they might as well have gotten a cheeseburger. I think there should be more places that offer real food with less added sugars. This would be one small action that would help with health and obesity in America. If more people had a better option for food it would be easier for the ones who do not have time to cook still get a nice, healthy meal. Another thing people do not realize are the ingredients and chemicals added in food. If you cannot read the name of an ingredient why would we consume it? I think this should start with teaching kids when they are young. If kids are aware from a young age about different ingredients and what is good and bad, they will make smarter decisions in the future. There are a lot of different fillers and added chemicals that do not need to be added to food and can be avoided and if people were more aware of what they are putting in their bodies. Kids are like a sponge and soak up all the information they can get, just for school to start informing and making an effort to make health and obesity more aware it can stick with them for life. Just by being aware of what you are eating and putting into your body will help cut down obesity rates and it is better to enforce these habits into young kids before they run into health prpoblme int the future. Another thing is portion control, everyone is overeating and just filling their bodies with too much food. Too much food equals too many calories, and too many calories for a single person equals weight gain which is why counting calorie is so common. But for the people that chose to eat out all the time this can be dangerous. This is an issue with restaurants, the portion sizes are huge and people feel obligated to eat it since it is right in front of them. I think restaurants should start by cutting down on the portion sizes so people are not forced to overeat. ââ¬Å"The consumption of large portions can, however, decrease overall energy intake if the food has a low energy density.â⬠(ââ¬Å"the Supersizing of Americaâ⬠). This quote from an article is stating that the bigger the portion the less energy people tend to have which can lead to a less active lifestyle. Restaurants should serve smaller food portions for the sake of the consumers health and it would also ben efit the restaurants by saving more money. Overall, obesity can be life threating and is a real issue and people can help avoid it by making small changes. If there were a few healthier fast food places or if they stopped lying about their healthy options the everyone would have a fast-healthy meal to choose. There are cheap and alternate routes to getting a greasy burger and fries for every meal and those options should be just as accessible and actually healthy. Another solution to help with the obesity rates and save someone from all the damages of obesity is to teach children while they are young. We teach kids math and English everyday but from unhealthy habits they might not live long enough to use all those skills. All it takes is to plant a seed of information in their brain and they will have that thought in the back of their minds forever which can help with smarter decisions. The last option I have chosen are restaurants cutting down on portions. Food is very tempting and a big pound of it sitting on your plate is a nightmare for over eating. If all the things changed America can become healthier and not one of the fattest countries in the world.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Fertility Drugs Functions and Side Effects
Fertility Drugs Functions and Side Effects For patients and medical practitioners alike, the sheer quest to surmount infertility is an obsessive one entailing not only a struggle on the physical dimension but also a struggle on the emotional and spiritual front.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Fertility Drugs: Functions and Side Effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Each month without signs of pregnancy engineer another round of frustrating and emotive questions among couples, which soon develops into feelings of resentment, finger-pointing and blame-apportioning. Documented research demonstrates that these negative outcomes have, in more than one occasion, led to marriage breakups in the absence of proper intervention measures such as counseling or medical intervention (Cooper Glazer 38). Indeed, the panorama associated with conceiving, giving birth, and starting a family may be so momentous that it obliges couples, especially women, to consider every avenue of reinstating fertility, from the simplest to the most bizarre. Pushed to the limits, most individuals opt for fertility drugs. It is the purpose of this paper to critically evaluate the functions and side-effects of fertility-enhancing drugs with a view to demonstrate that their benefits outweigh social and health costs. Fertility drugs, also called ovulation-inducing drugs (OIDs), are medications that are mainly used to influence the biological process of ovulation. According to Ayhan et al., ââ¬Å"ovulation-inducing drugs have been widely used for various types of infertility since the beginning of 1960s and their use increases day by day parallel to the success achieved in fertility treatmentâ⬠[1] (1104). Al-Shawaf et al. asserts that the development and dissemination of OIDs generated the opportunity for a vast proportion of the unproductive population to create children (513). These drugs work by enhancing ovulation by arousing or stimulating the victimâ⠬â¢s brain to get an egg ready and discharge it from her ovaries every month (Pendzich para. 9). Some of the most commonly used fertility drugs include Clomiphene Citrate, Human Menopausal Gonadotrophin, Recombinant Gonadotrophin, Repronex, and Bromocriptine (Chavis para 3; Singer 45). One of the most basic uses of fertility drugs is to restore the reproductive capacities of infertile individuals. Clomiphene functions to achieve this purpose by stimulating the pituitary gland to generate adequate follicle-stimulating hormones, which are the hormones that are primarily responsible for triggering ovulation (Mix 89). The medication, taken in pill form daily, triggers the ovaries to prepare some eggs for ovulation.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Immediately therapy is discontinued, the hypothalamus gland discharges a luteinizing hormone which responsively trig gers the ovaries to discharge a ready egg to the section where fertilization takes pace ââ¬â the fallopian tubes. According to Pendzich, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦about 70 to 90 percent of women who take Clomiphene will ovulate, and of those who ovulate, 20 to 60 percent will get pregnantâ⬠[2] (para. 10). Another commonly used fertility drug is Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG). This drug, according to Pendzich, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦consists of purified follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ which occasions a woman to develop egg follicles after being injected with the drug (para. 11). Immediately after completion of the injections, the woman is then injected with another hormone named human chorionic gonadotropin, which functions to arouse the ovaries to discharge the mature eggs that ostensibly develops after weeks of receiving hMG. This drug is normally given to estrogen-deficient women or those who fail to respond to first-line treatment drugs such as Clomiphene. According to Pendzich, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦the rate of multiple births [for women using the drug] is close to 20 percentâ⬠¦About 70 to 90 percent of women who take hGM will ovulate, and of those who ovulate, 20 to 60 percent will get pregnantâ⬠[3] (para. 11). Lastly, this paper will discuss Bromocriptine ââ¬â a fertility-enhancing drug that can either be taken orally or applied as a vaginal gel (Pendzich para. 12; Mix 92). The drug has the potent efficacy of inhibiting the pituitaryââ¬â¢s production and release of prolactin, a hormone that is closely associated with reduced estrogen levels, hence inhibiting ovulation. This way, the ovaries are given the opportunity to produce the desired eggs. Available statistics suggests that ââ¬Å"â⬠¦90 percent of the women who take Bromocriptine will ovulate as long as they continue taking the drugâ⬠¦Of the women who ovulate, 65 to 85 percent will get pregnantâ⬠[4] (Pendzich para. 12).Advertising We will write a custom researc h paper sample on Fertility Drugs: Functions and Side Effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Having discussed how various fertility drugs functions, it is imperative to note at this stage that many of these drugs compliment each other in the quest to restore fertility, and no single drug has ever proven to be the wonder drug (Jensen et al 132). As such, personalized leads may have to be pursued from all likely angles, and personalized problem-solving approaches may have to be attempted again and again before an appropriate diagnosis is achieved, reproductive health restored, and a tangible pregnancy attained (Cooper Glazer 23). The side-effects of fertility drugs range from mild to serious, and sometimes, life-threatening. It is the object of this paper to divide the side-effects into two ââ¬â mild and serious ââ¬â for purposes of evaluating possible social and health costs. According to Al-Shawaj et al., some of the mild side-eff ects occasioned by fertility drugs include: mood swings, headaches, abdominal tenderness, dizziness, dry cervical mucus, simple cyst development, weight gain, mild ovarian enlargement, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, menopausal problems, allergic reactions, ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome, immune reaction, and low blood pressure (515-523). Parazzini et al argues that these side-effects are drug-specific, and some side-effects caused by specific drugs are more serious than others (1373). This argument reinforces the fact that the operational mode of fertility-enhancing drugs is interestingly divergent, thus the need for individualized attention (ââ¬Å"The Need Forâ⬠para. 1). The above notwithstanding, fertility drugs have the capacity to occasion life-threatening side-effects. Although it has never been authentically proved, scientists and medical practitioners believe there is a close correlation between fertility-enhancing drugs and ovarian cancer (Parazzini et al 1372). According to Al-Shawaj et al., ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ovarian cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed gynecological malignancy, the deadliest gynecological malignancy and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women in the U.S.â⬠[5] (518).Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fertility inducing agents have also been closely associated with breast cancer ââ¬â the most common cancer affecting women globally. Indeed, concerns have been raised that women with an ovulatory infertility are at increased risk of suffering from breast cancer, but scientists are yet to offer concrete evidence linking breast cancer to fertility drugs (Al-Shawaj et al 519). Other seminal studies have also demonstrated that infertile women, in general, bears no excess risk of suffering from breast cancer compared with their fertile counterparts in the general population (Venn et al 1574). In equal measure, the risk of cancerous tumors in children conceived following the use of fertility medications has been reassuringly low as found out in a recent cohort study involving Danish women (Jensen et al 134). Taking the above into consideration, it can safely be argued that many of the perceived serious consequences ostensibly caused by fertility drugs so far remains a specter of imagi nation for lack of adequate substantiation. It is indeed true that ovulation-stimulating drugs increases the rate of pregnancy loss (Singer 102), not mentioning the fact that they also increase the chances of conceiving multiple pregnancies and autism spectrum disorder (Keller para. 1). These risks, however, cannot be equated with the joy of having children, the method of conceiving notwithstanding. Fertility drugs, just like other prescriptions, are used to treat a medical condition that affects and distresses one in six couples[6] ââ¬â infertility. The therapy of these drugs carries complications and impediments as does any other medical therapy and it needs to be scrutinized and evaluated in this broad perspective. As such, it is prudent to postulate that fertility drugs are useful since their benefits far outweigh the perceived risks. End Notes Ayhan, A., Salman, M.C., Celik, H., Dursun, P., Ozyungu, O., Gulteknm, M. Association between Fertility Drugs and Gynecological C ancers, Breast Cancer, and Childhood Cancers. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Sc and Inavica 83.12 (2004): 1104-1111 Pendzich, M. Fertility Drugs: Are they worth it? 2008 Pendzich 2008 Pendzich 2008 Al-Shawaj, T., Zosmer, A., Dirnfeld, M., Grudzinskas, G. Safety of Drugs Used in Assisted Reproduction Techniques. Drug Safety 28.6 (2005): 513-528 Al-Shawaj et al 2005 Al-Shawaj, T., Zosmer, A., Dirnfeld, M., Grudzinskas, G. Safety of Drugs Used in Assisted Reproduction Techniques. Drug Safety 28.6 (2005): 513-528. Ayhan, A., Salman, M.C., Celik, H., Dursun, P., Ozyungu, O., Gulteknm, M. Association between Fertility Drugs and Gynecological Cancers, Breast Cancer, and Childhood Cancers. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Sc and Inavica 83.12 (2004): 1104-1111. Chavis, J. Types of Fertility Drugs. 2010. Web. Cooper, S.L., Glazer, E.S. (1994). Beyond Infertility: The New Paths to Parenthood. London: Lexington Books. Jensen, A., Sharif, H., Svare, E.I., Frederiksen, K., Kjaer, S.K. Risk of Breast Cancer after Exposure to Fertility Drugs: Results from a Large Danish Cohort Study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers Prevention 16.3 (2007): 132-145. Keller, D.M. Study suggests Infertility and Use of Fertility Drugs Increases Risk for Autism. Web. Mix, T. The Price of Ovulation. The Truth about Fertility Drugs and Birth Defects and a Solution to the Problem. Boston, MA: Tendrill Press. 2005. Parazzini, F., Pelucchi, C., Negri, E., Francesclus, S., Talamini, R., Mentella, M., Vechia, C.L. Use of Fertility Drugs and Risk of Ovarian Cancer. Human Reproduction 16.7 (2001): 1372-1375. Pendzich, M. Fertility Drugs: Are they worth it? 2008. Web. Singer, K. The Garden of Fertility: A Guide to Charting your Fertility Signals to Prevent or Achieve Pregnancy ââ¬â Naturally ââ¬â and to Gauge your Reproductive Health. New York: Penguin Books. The need for an Individualized Approach to COH. (n.d.). Web. Venn, A., Watson, L., Bruinsmi, F., Giles, G., Healy, D. Risk of Can cer after use of Fertility Drugs with In-Vitro Fertilization. Lancet 6.354 (1999): 1573-1584.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Case study 2-2 Essay Example for Free (#2)
Case study 2-2 Essay Case Project 2-2 I would determine whether an investigation is required for this type of situation. I would make am initial assessment about the case that I will be investigating. Meanwhile, determining the type a design of approach for this particular case. I would then estimate the time of each step, when the check was issued and as the amount. I would ask Jonathan to interview the other individual who has access to the companyââ¬â¢s accounting program. I would review the company computer as well as the accounting program and see if there are any significant documents; which would including the company checkbook and ledger, as well as contact the bank for the most current bank statement. Any type of information pertaining or related to that particular check, which was issued during that time. However, if cleared, then further investigation has to be done. I would examine that employeeââ¬â¢s email for anything suspicious as well as surveillance cameras within that office. I would also study the suspects work habits as well. I would ask Jonathan to locate and itemized any details of the subcontractorââ¬â¢s job amounting to $10,750 and the facts of the check for the amount $12,750. I would try to find the facts of the $2,000 difference, if available by comparing bank statements, and the accounting program. I will inform him to be very watchful of any relevant information that may eventually be evidence in this type of criminal case, which could be employee theft or embezzlement. If this other person beside Jonathan is involved in this crime and not being anà accounting error, has taken place, I would recommend Jonathan to allow me to further my investigation with this company. Case study 2-2. (2016, Apr 11). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you
Friday, October 18, 2019
Health and Nutrition in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Health and Nutrition in Schools - Essay Example Breakfast and lunch programs raise the average cost of production and serving school breakfast and lunches by approximately 37 cents and 7 cents respectively. This is a challenge to many schools, but cost changes do not affect all schools. Schools with menus that emphasize whole grains, non-starchy vegetables, and fruits made fewer changes; thus, the cost of implementation in the schools were lower than average. The overall cost of implementation is also higher in schools that offer more breakfasts relative to lunches than in schools that do not offer breakfast. School Food Authorities cover for the increase in preparing and serving school meals. This is because they have a variety of funding sources. Most schools also have a number of flexibilities and options within available, operational approaches and revenue streams that help balance resources and costs. Some of the recovery channels of increased costs in breakfast and lunch programs are student payments of la carte foods, and l ocal and state government sources.In the new breakfast and lunch program, the state board took into consideration the unique needs of the children. Not all people take the same diet mainly because of medical reasons. This program caters for children roughly between five years and eighteen years. The program puts this into consideration and takes care of all special needs of the children. Children are divided into different age groups to cater for their different nutritional requirements. This is critical because their bodies are at different growing and development stages and interference or inadequate feeding compromises growth and development of children. The program also caters for children with medical conditions who are on a special diet. This implies that the program introduced a wide variety of a balanced diet for children because of their particular nutritional and development needs. Children choose from a wide variety of foodstuff provided and this caters for the diverse ne eds of children. Dietary salt has also been reduced in school meals. Therefore, the program takes into consideration children with cardiovascular diseases and hypertension (Bartfeld, 2010). Figure 1: Table Showing Different Age groups with different Menus GRADE AGE K-5 5-10 years 6-8 11-13 years 9-12 14-18 years Process Involved in the Program Implementation of breakfast and lunch program involved different steps and decisions. Before finalization of changes, many considerations were put into perspective. For example, schools had to take a survey of the children's needs, age, health and medicinal requirements before implementation. Parents were to provide medical records for children who needed individual attendance. Nutritional experts formulated a food menu and advised schools on the best economic food choices as outlined by the requirement in the program. Schools also introduced certain hygiene checks that would ensure children get better services. This facilitated the introducti on of an entirely new procedure to cater for diverse nutritional needs in schools. The implementation process was an essential because every change
Blog Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Blog - Essay Example 350). Therefore, breastfeeding is important to the health of the babies until they reach the recommended age for introduction of the artificial foods. However, it will be a surprise to find out that new studies show that breastfeeding might be associated with hyperbilirubinemia. Although the studies have not conclusively implicated breastfeeding to hyperbilirubinemia, considerable evidence indicates that feeding a baby on breast milk can cause the illness. Hyperbilirubinemia is an illness that causes the red blood cells in your body to breakdown, and release a substance known as bilirubin into the blood. Bilirubin refers to the yellow substance in the blood, and it is a by-product of the breakdown of haemoglobin contained in the red blood cells (Lindh 2010, p. 919). Haemoglobin supports the transportation of oxygen in the red blood cells. It is noteworthy that the liver breaks down the old red blood cells. The high levels of the bilirubin in the bloodstream cause the yellowing of the skin and the white parts of the eye. The condition that causes the eyes and skin to turn yellow is known as jaundice (Lindh 2010, p. 919). Although bilirubin does not affect the infants, the accumulation of the by-product can be toxic to your bodies. It is advisable for babies to receive treatment after their delivery. The accumulation of bilirubin is referred to as hyperbilirubinemia, which new studies have associated with breastfeeding in infants. Many pregnant mothers, friends, and family members do not know the issues surrounding breastfeeding as brought forth by the new studies. Similarly, the healthcare providers have limited knowledge regarding the negative realities of breastfeeding. Likewise, the popular lifestyle magazines have not captured the new facts as revealed by continued research on the breastfeeding. Specifically, the association of breastfeeding with the development of the
Dilemmas in the Intensive Care Unit Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dilemmas in the Intensive Care Unit - Case Study Example As Littleton, and Engebretson (2005) observe, a young teenager who has received no childbirth preparation will need more teaching than other; à it is also said that the woman in labor is of central importance; not the nurse, doctor or nurse-midwife (p. 506). So, the first step will be easing the tension of Rachel and providing support. For this purpose, the service of chaplain will be utilized. A chaplain will be summoned quickly to handle the fear and stress of Rachel.The second step will be to make the parents understand the seriousness of the situation. They will be advised on the importance to have a proper medical intervention as there is fetal distress. Even if they do not provide consent, considering the seriousness of the situation, the doctor on duty will be informed of the situation.As the situation is gradually getting critical, it becomes necessary to ensure the availability of staff in case of an emergency. Considering the fact that the doctor on duty is attending anot her emergency case, necessary steps will be taken to ensure the presence of staff to handle the situation to avoid risk. It is possible that the doctor on duty has got busy on another emergency that might take a long time. In addition, Rachelââ¬â¢s situation is getting critical.à In the second case, the ethical issue is whether to allow Yves to enter the ICU to visit Alain Trottier. As Molter (2007) observes, nurses should have the skill to model interaction between the patient and family; and, continuing rigid restrictive visiting practices when it is certain that it is not beneficial is an ethical question in concern (p. 70). In the case of Alain Trottier, it is evident that Yves, his domestic partner, was along with him in the ER and is still in the hospital. In addition, the patient has been unconscious for a day and still, there is no change in the situation and no diagnosis had been made. In addition, hospital policy allows domestic partners to be treated as married coupl es. In addition, as per the policy, it is Yves who is responsible to make decisions for the patient. Carter and Lopert à (2005, p.94) say that if possible, staff should allow some flexibility in visiting schedules and should keep family and friends apprised of the patientââ¬â¢s support needs.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Two stage compressor Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Two stage compressor - Lab Report Example The main reason for the popularity of these air compressors is because air is a safe, clean, convenient and flexible resource. These machines have undergone a series of transformations to become highly reliable equipment. They are almost indispensable in much of their applications. Compressors come in a wide range of varieties of different sizes and types. Ultimately, just like any other tool, compressors and tools are typically lighter and more powerful than standard battery powered cordless tools or standard electrical tools. They are used in almost all industrial sectors from textiles to dairy farming to automobiles to aircraft. While there are multiple compressor types, they all have same functions which are increasing the pressure and reducing the volume of any given air or gas. Majority of compressors operate on the principle of filling the chamber with gas or air and reducing the volume in the chamber. They are referred to as positive displacement compressors. A set of equipment was used in this experiment. These included the two-stage compressor, the piston, a separate dynamometer, analogue meters, the two industrial compressors, the air receiver and the intercooler which is located between the first and second stages. In this experiment these set of equipment were connected together to make up a two-stage compressor. In this case, there two industrial compressors: the air receiver and the intercooler which is connected between the first and second stages of the two-stage compressor. The piston in each cylinder was then linked to separate dynamometer with each dynamometer having its own electrical variable speed drive located in the control panel. Each compressor instrument group had two analogue meters. There meters were used to measure directly the current (A) and the voltage (V) applied to the dynamometer. Compressor 1 (N1) was started and its speed set to 750 rev.min-4. This constant was maintained during the
Managing Work Activities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Managing Work Activities - Assignment Example Accounting and finance is concerned with an analysis of the budget in the business in order to minimize costs and maximize savings. Finally, the Legal function takes care of any business contracts with all stakeholders, and also deals with compliance with domestic and international standards. All these functions complement each other especially following Nokiaââ¬â¢s organizational structure. The office of the CFO ensures that there are enough funds to fund the budget and pay the staffs, thus making sure that the human resource and finance functions. Availability of funds and personnel eases the processes of marketing and customer service, since there are more people to do the work. By knowing what the consumer wants, the company is able to come up with products that meet the set legal standards, while also pleasing the customer. Q2: Explain the functionality of three departments of an engineering business of your choice, (which could be the engineering business established in assi gnment 1). Explain the importance and effects of each function on the operation of the company as a whole. The department for designing is the most significant in Nokia. This department determines the look of Nokia products, in addition to their various functionalities. Accordingly, this department has to create products that are appealing to the consumer, yet they are affordable and have high functionality. According to the Nokia website, the design department houses the solutions unit which is tasked with coming up with practical products that have varied content and are able to meet the personalized need of the consumer. Essentially, Nokiaââ¬â¢s products should be able to offer solutions to some consumer needs, for example, the need to access the internet using a mobile device. While doing this, the design department needs to maintain low operational costs so that the company maximizes profits. It is the design department that ensures that Nokia stays in the market, by designi ng products that offer a competitive advantage with Nokiaââ¬â¢s rivals. Without the designing department, Nokia would not be able to compete with other manufacturers, in the production of state-of-the-art products. Fundamentally, the design department is the one that ensures that Nokia remains relevant in the business, thus assuring the companyââ¬â¢s survival. The human resource department is a very important department, since it is charged with the recruitment, training and sometimes, retraining of personnel. According to Griffin, a company needs to identify future human resource need s and recruit accordingly (232). Without this department, Nokia, and any other company would not be able to run operations, since machines cannot operate themselves. Human resource ensures that people with the right qualifications are employed and that they are trained to meet the standards at Nokia. Without the right workforce, Nokia would not be able to battle in the global market which has be come increasingly competitive in recent years. The sales and marketing department at Nokia ensures that the company has proper sales channels through engaging in product branding and promotional activities. In the current
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks and Vitamin-Enhanced Case Study
Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages - Case Study Example The commercial attributes of the substitute drinks segment of the industry are different from other groups of drinks. Substitute beverages competed based on differentiation from ancient drinks like carbonated drinks or fruit drinks. In addition, the market began with reduced competition, which later led to abrupt transformation as various new product lines joined and profit margins seriously suffered from reduction of prices. The entire beverage industry face reduced profit margin emanating from increased competition and inability to differentiate their products. The buyersââ¬â¢ negotiation ability and advantage was a significant competitive force. Emerging brands with reduced market shares were highly vulnerable to purchasersââ¬â¢ advantage as storage space was limited whereas top brands had substantial shelf space. Supplierââ¬â¢s advantage and negotiation power represented the weakest force of competition. Several substitute beverage ingredients sellers had to struggle to market their brands. New ingredient suppliers had a relative advantage in bargaining with producers of energy drinks than popular ingredient suppliers. The competition between substitute beverage sellers was the strongest force. Rivalry between key brands centers mainly on the brand reputation, attractive taste, appealing packaging, sales advertisement and promotion, and attaining better shelf space access and reinforcing distribution abilities. Competitive forces that have a substantial impact on attractiveness of industry include substitute beverage brand, reduced switching cots on consumersââ¬â¢ part, aggressiveness and activeness of suppliersââ¬â¢ efforts and a strong focus on endorsements, promotion of sales and advertisements. à Beverage market is rapidly changing. The preferences for alternative products are increasing while the preference for traditional drinks decreasing. The driving factors for substitute drink industry involve
Managing Work Activities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Managing Work Activities - Assignment Example Accounting and finance is concerned with an analysis of the budget in the business in order to minimize costs and maximize savings. Finally, the Legal function takes care of any business contracts with all stakeholders, and also deals with compliance with domestic and international standards. All these functions complement each other especially following Nokiaââ¬â¢s organizational structure. The office of the CFO ensures that there are enough funds to fund the budget and pay the staffs, thus making sure that the human resource and finance functions. Availability of funds and personnel eases the processes of marketing and customer service, since there are more people to do the work. By knowing what the consumer wants, the company is able to come up with products that meet the set legal standards, while also pleasing the customer. Q2: Explain the functionality of three departments of an engineering business of your choice, (which could be the engineering business established in assi gnment 1). Explain the importance and effects of each function on the operation of the company as a whole. The department for designing is the most significant in Nokia. This department determines the look of Nokia products, in addition to their various functionalities. Accordingly, this department has to create products that are appealing to the consumer, yet they are affordable and have high functionality. According to the Nokia website, the design department houses the solutions unit which is tasked with coming up with practical products that have varied content and are able to meet the personalized need of the consumer. Essentially, Nokiaââ¬â¢s products should be able to offer solutions to some consumer needs, for example, the need to access the internet using a mobile device. While doing this, the design department needs to maintain low operational costs so that the company maximizes profits. It is the design department that ensures that Nokia stays in the market, by designi ng products that offer a competitive advantage with Nokiaââ¬â¢s rivals. Without the designing department, Nokia would not be able to compete with other manufacturers, in the production of state-of-the-art products. Fundamentally, the design department is the one that ensures that Nokia remains relevant in the business, thus assuring the companyââ¬â¢s survival. The human resource department is a very important department, since it is charged with the recruitment, training and sometimes, retraining of personnel. According to Griffin, a company needs to identify future human resource need s and recruit accordingly (232). Without this department, Nokia, and any other company would not be able to run operations, since machines cannot operate themselves. Human resource ensures that people with the right qualifications are employed and that they are trained to meet the standards at Nokia. Without the right workforce, Nokia would not be able to battle in the global market which has be come increasingly competitive in recent years. The sales and marketing department at Nokia ensures that the company has proper sales channels through engaging in product branding and promotional activities. In the current
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Babetteââ¬â¢s Feast and the Power of Art Essay Example for Free
Babetteââ¬â¢s Feast and the Power of Art Essay When all deadlines are met and time is out in my favor, one can usually find me sitting comfortably on the couch with a bowl of popcorn on one hand and a remote control on the other. Watching movies has always been one of my favorite leisure. Although I try to see films from different parts of the world as much as I can, perhaps like the many others who belong in my generation, Hollywood movies are always top of the list. Seldom do I find fascination with other international productions especially European ones. They are slow-paced, often more serious and ââ¬Å"less entertainingâ⬠than those produced in Hollywood. However, watching the Danish film ââ¬Å"Babetteââ¬â¢s Feastâ⬠made me reconsider and view European films with a different lens ââ¬â one with a little more appreciation and interest. While the slow pacing is inherent to this kind of cinema, they also present a different style and meat altogether, leaving more room for its audience to think rather than just instant gratification offered by most American movies. This is very evident in Babetteââ¬â¢s Feast. In its subtlety and simplicity, together with the use of brilliant metaphors and symbolisms, it was able to uncover the transforming power of art with beauty and sophistication. Babetteââ¬â¢s Feast tells the story of two pious sisters whose lives were changed by their French servant, who was apparently an unspoken artist, Babette. One of the images that constantly reappear all throughout the movie, especially in the beginning, is the image of the dried fish. This symbolizes the life of Martina and Philippa and perhaps even those in the community who was devoted to the preaching of their father that to attain salvation, one must deprive himself all physical or worldly pleasures including food. They lived a life of unhealthy simplicity and unreasonable meagerness. Their simple and puritan way of living is so extreme that it has become dreary and ironically ââ¬Å"lifelessâ⬠, like a dried fish in contrast to the delectable meal of Babette in the end. Another powerful symbolism is Babetteââ¬â¢s washing of the window from the outside. It speaks to me as if Babette was trying to show the sisters what they have been missing for the longest time. Their world and their lives are similar to the dirty windows Babette were washing ââ¬â dark and clouded by their austere beliefs. Because of the hyperbolic focus on spirituality, they were blinded from the beauty and joy of the outside world, from the other things that life has to offer including the love from men they rejected when they were young. Through Babetteââ¬â¢s feast, which they initially refuted as they believed it was sinful, the sisters were opened to a new world from which they were hiding, to a reality where ââ¬Å"righteousness and bliss [..] kissâ⬠, where the spirit and the flesh are both nourished and nurtured without choosing or isolating one from the other. This reconciliation is symbolized by the candlelight snuffed out in the end. Aside from Babetteââ¬â¢s art which is the sumptuous food she prepared very well, another integral element that played a significant role in the transformation of the sisters and the other members of the congregation is the character of General Loewenhielm, one of the sistersââ¬â¢ ex lover. If the sisters lived a deprived life, a deprivation not of accident but of choice, the general was at the other end of the spectrum. He symbolizes everything the sisters were not ââ¬â luxurious and powerful. He enjoyed a life of abundance and glory. Because of this background, the general honestly and wholeheartedly enjoyed the feast while the others remained skeptical, refusing to surrender to their delight of the food. It was also the general who had this realization that there is joy both from bodily and spiritual nourishment, as he was dumfounded to partake in such kind of dinner in an unexpected place, considering it then as a grace and blessing from the heavens. All in all, Babette as an artist was successful. Like a masterpiece that brings joy to its audience, her feast was able to transform and bring love and happiness on the table, to the people who received her art. And this is what is meant by her statement, ââ¬Å"an artist is never poor.â⬠Her talent, which was able to transcend the material, and her ability to do her very best, is her wealth. Indeed, art has a very strong power to transform. Not only did Babetteââ¬â¢s art transformed the characters in the story but the movie itself, as a form of art, was able to transform its viewers, me included. It may not be able to provide the ââ¬Å"funâ⬠from the thrilling and idealistic yet shallow plot of Hollywood movies but it was able to deliver something deeper and more delicate, something worthy of admiration and appreciation.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Toyotas Ethical Issues
Toyotas Ethical Issues Business ethics, guiding decision-makings and policies, is concerned with good and bad or right and wrong behaviors and practices within business context(Carroll and Buchholtz, 2008, p242). Based on its great influence on the thinking and acting of all economic entities, whether private companies or state-owned enterprises, business ethics has become a real hot business principle. It appertains to relations between stakeholders and shareholders, between employees and employers, between customers and corporation; it dedicated to product quality, customer satisfaction as well as social responsibility. With the imperative consensus on the reconstruction of social values, business ethics is bound to be pivot and prerequisite for business. However, Carroll and Buchholtz (2008) stated actual business ethics seems to be improving but not at the same pace as public expectations are rising(Carroll, 2008, p242). Furthermore, the economic globalization piles increasing pressure on international business ethics. From the case of Toyotas recall problem, it is drawn that business ethics is ubiquitous and affects a companys development and prosperity strongly. For the purpose of this essay, it is essential to identify its significance and implementation in enterprises. This essay will firstly elaborate Toyotas ethical dilemma involved in its recall. Following this, it will analysis the origin that creates Toyotas ethical dilemma, with a combination of some related theories about business ethics, such as Stakeholder Model, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Finally, some considerable recommendations for Toyota to address this problem will also be made. 2.0 Toyotas Ethical Dilemma General Background of Toyota Toyota Motor Corporation is a multinational corporation headquartered in Japan. Through tremendous development, it currently boasts about 183 billion in annual sales and is the worlds largest automaker, which has the business of which covers many countries and territories including America, Europe, Africa and Asia (Pride et al, 2009, p243). Since its foundation, Toyota continuously conducted business activities under the guiding principle of contributing to the development of a prosperous society through the manufacture of automobiles. The guiding principle, as well as Toyotas CSR policies, serves as the foundation of its business (Toyota Official Website, 2010). However, now Toyota faces a series of embarrassment caused by its vehicle recall. In the beginning of 2010, due to a defect in its accelerator pedals, the company recalled eight million cars around the world (The Times, 2010). The global large-scale recall focalized Toyota once again. Ethical Problem Involved in Toyotas Recall Apart from its quality defect, more and more people began to accuse of Toyotas loss of ethics as a big business before and during its recall. Despite under multi-accusation and criticism, lacking initiative, Toyota did not respond timely. Originally, it attributed the safety issue to the floor mats and denied defective vehicles design; subsequently, its quality problems can not be covered up any longer. Nevertheless, in order for protecting its own business interests and corporate image, Toyota still took the chances and did not recall involving vehicles. Even when appearing in the U.S. Congressional hearings, Toyoda firmly insist that electronic throttle control system has nothing to do with the safety issue, throwing the issue of pedal safety to Toyotas suppliers. More specifically, according to U.S. lawmakers, Toyota hid internal test data in its secret book and refused to hand over evidence of safety defects involving its cars. At the same time, documents obtained by the Congress ional Oversight and Governmental Reform Committee demonstrated that Toyota deliberately withheld key information of crash victims (The Times, 2010). Finally, Toyota could not quibble about its intention to try to conceal the defect or reduce the recall range, which is also a direct challenge to its reputation. Clearly, Toyotas approach is not a right one that a responsible company should adopt when problems exist. To some extent, this is not a blunder of its decision-making but the lack of business ethics. Effects of the Ethical Problem to Toyota At present, Toyotas recall problem seems not to be curbed but ever-widening. Having recalled a wide scope of vehicles, Toyota still has to face the U.S. criminal probe and litigation. What is more severe, with its market having been seriously affected, Toyota also suffered a crisis of confidence worldwide, which is undoubtedly a deadly threat to the worlds top-ranked automaker. It is considered that Toyota has paid a terrible price due to ethical dilemma rather than quality problems. 3.0 Analysis and Discussion There are multiple reasons that caused Toyotas recall crisis, including supply chain mismanagement and its stringent cost control etc. While, the root on ethical dimension should not be neglected. Toyota Attach Great Importance to Economic Benefits but Neglect Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Toyota exceeds General Motors in 2008 as the worlds largest automaker. It is in this process that Toyota introduced a relentless cost control and simultaneously reduces its concern for quality. Toyoda acknowledged that in the past decades, Toyota was committed to expanding business scale and economic benefits, elevating market share and lowering costs; while giving up priority to product safety. In the harsh reality of competition, Toyota gradually goes away from the traditional Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) it has been proud of in a sense. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business concern for societys welfare; a capacity to treat the stakeholders of the firm ethically or in a responsible way, and it is interpreted by managers who consider both the long-range best interest of the company itself and its harmonious relationship to the surrounding society (Lamb, 2008, p66). As for its wider aim, Hopkins(2007) suggested that it is to create the higher and higher standards of living for people both within and outside a certain company, while preserving the profitability of this focal corporation (Hopkins, 2007, p16). Corporate Social Responsibility is comprised of three concepts, including Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR1), Corporate Social Responsiveness(CSR2) and Corporate Social Rectitude(CSR3). Banerjee (2007) defined CSR2 as the ability of a corporation to respond to social pressures. Compared to CSR1, which has a normative basis to instruct a company what should to do, CSR2 provides a more strategic and managerial focus; that is, it is about what issues a firm choose to address and its policies and actions to address the issue (Banerjee, 2007, p20). CSR2 can be reactive, defensive or responsive. Unfortunately, Toyota adopted the reactive one; it did not make an active response, let alone an effective one. It was not until the crisis went beyond control that Toyoda appeared to apologized to the consumer and explained the situation. To our knowledge, CSR2 is a part of social policy process, whose concentration is on the organizational process for determining implementing and evaluating the firms capacity to anticipate, respond to and manage the issues and problems arising from claims of stakeholders (Sims, 2003, p51). The undisputed is that in its CSR2 process, Toyotas reac tion is passive and slow all the time, which also illustrated its attitude as prevaricated, procrastinative and arrogant. When it comes to CSR3, it refers to the moral correctness of the policies or actions taken (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2008, p56). Frederick in 1987 indicated CSR3 involved a pervasive sense of rightness, respect and humanity that would put publics values and ethics at the center of the companys concern, policies and main decision-makings (Scherer, 2008, p57-58). However, in its recall process, Toyota treated consumers in different regions in significantly differentiated way. As can be seen from Figure3.1, compared to the large amount of recalled vehicles in U.S. and European markets, the number of those in Japanese, in particular Chinese market is very small. In China, the worlds fourth largest market of Toyota in 2009, the recalled number is only 75,552, only accounting for one-tenth of Toyotas total sales in China, and one-third of the quantity recalled in Japan. What is more, type recalled is only the RAV4, while others are excluded. However, they belong to the list of Camry, Crolla and Highlander that has been recalled in U.S. market. Meantime, observant people have found such a delicate situation. In the U.S., in addition to apologizing, Toyota would also pay a high cost, which is comprised of not only the huge recall loss and kinds of fine, but also claims from U.S. consumers. Yet for Chinese consumers, Toyota is unwilling to provide alternatives, let alone financial compensation. Undeniably, Toyota is quite familiar with the hidden rules in Chinese auto market, where a comprehensive recall system has not been established, and it is adopting an appropriate way in accordance with Chinese law to deal with the recall. However, for Toyotaa company who always seek excellence, not breaking the relevant laws and regulations is not enough to convince people. In the CSR3 context, Toyota did not serve Chinese customers who are the same important to it equally. Although within the law, its discrimination against Chinese consumers is not an ethical behavior. Source: China News (up to 10 February, 2010) -Toyota Puts its Focus on Shareholders but not Stakeholders From a general view it seems that corporate stakeholders show the trend of proliferation and diversification. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify and thus effectively balancing the interests and needs of various stakeholders. To achieve this, it can draw reference to the Shareholder and Stakeholder Model. The Shareholder Model, known as an external and independent orientation, is to improve the wealth prospects of investors. On the contrary, firms who adhere to the Stakeholder Model promote an internal control focus and will promote its performance and thereby offer favorable returns for stakeholders who share an interest in the company. This will stimulate a supportive and positive environment for the company (Kakabadse, 2004, p234). In the recall, the stakeholders facing Toyota is not just consumers, but also government, regulators, competitors and media etc.. Hence, Toyota should not only be quick to solve problem in recall, but also be cautious to balance its stakeholders expec tations and needs. Kakabadse (2004) also pointed that the pursuit of profit for shareholders may become secondary when aim of Shareholder Model sharply conflict with the broader stakeholders requirements. Put in another way, Stakeholder Model should be preoccupied with wealth creation for shareholders; if not, there will exist great contradictions between corporates economic benefits and stakeholders interest, leading enterprises into ethical censure. Toyotas recall problem is just a typical. Toyota, addicted to the competition with General Motors, has been expanding its global scale. However, its proud Lean Manufacturing loses control after rapidly spreading all over the world, with the balance between minimum cost and optimal products being broken. In order to maintain constant revenue, Toyota place cost reduction overwhelmed, largely abandoning stakeholders interests; therefore its product quality problems are boomed to arise. In a sense, it is because Toyota ignored a balance of interests of stakeholders that contributed to its present ethical dilemma. Recommendations Restore the Situation Now the primary task for Toyota is to contain the intensified situation. It has been found that product recall has become one of the recognized best practices to maintain corporate reputation when quality problem and crisis emerged. So it is acceptable that Toyota recall all of its defective vehicles regardless of their amount. Although great expenditure on recall is unavoidable and the brand may be frustrated severely, but consistent large-scale recall will allow consumers to experience Toyotas sincerity and faith; that is, its ethical commitment as a responsible big business, which will enable Toyota to win more loyal customers. From the viewpoint of long-term, it is still beneficial and adoptable. At the same time, compared with that about its vehicle defects, the criticism is more about Toyotas passive attitude. So Toyota should lower its profile to actively cooperate with all involved stakeholders including those investigation departments to expect a clear description of the inc ident. Re-establish Image and Credibility To a certain extent, Toyotas original good image in the minds of consumers has been subverted because of the recall. If Toyota had made sincere response to consumers, the product problem may not turn into todays huge crisis. So it is urgent for Toyota to take positive actions and re-establish its image and credibility. Some practical ways to be considered are as follows. Firstly, Toyota must re-win consumers confidence and support. On the one hand, it could modestly listen to customers opinions and feedback to effectively address their concerns; on the other hand, Toyota may visit its clients frequently to show its stick to quality and safety; last but not the least, it must act in a moral way to treat every consumer fair. Overall, Toyota should spare no efforts to get customers understanding and continued support. Secondly, Toyota could actively corporate with some powerful media who act as the governments mouthpiece to publicize its correct behaviors. With positive publicity or pro motion of those media, it is feasible for Toyota to re-create its image as a noble company and to restore consumers confidence to it. Revise its Vulnerabilities Business ethics, as the same as a companys commercial objective, can be achieved by management. Among them, communication plays an essential role. Besides, the reason why Toyota fell into troubled water is not just confined to those ones stated above; it is also because Toyota failed to meet the expectations of international media and consumers to handle problem crisply. Because there exist flaws on the respect of its communication management. In fact, as a multinational corporation, Toyota still followed the traditional Japanese-style communication, which is often procrastinative and burdensome. Meanwhile, as far as the balance between the interests of stakeholders is concerned, the issue worthy to review for Toyota is still its management of communication with its stakeholder. However, it is never too late to correct. The lessons drawn from this crisis is that Toyota should stress and enhance its communication management. Moreover, for Toyota, strategic communication should be emph asized, which should be used not only as a means or method of conflict resolution, but also as a tactic from the strategic perspective. To establish strategic communication, it is far enough to launch kinds of internal and external communication mechanisms; what is more important, various communication methods, such as international public relations, lobbying and advertising etc. should be made the most of. On the basis of communications great importance for multinational company to solve or eliminate ethical conflict, Toyota should pay attention to it. Conclusion Laura Hartman (2003), past president of the Society for Business Ethics, said that business ethics, whose focus is on corporate citizenship and ethical management behaviors, recognizes principled leadership, moral awareness and participates in social changes (Vega, 2007, p648). However, in the process of business internationalization, the biggest challenge facing a company derived not only from its business objective, profit, the strategy and the technology; but also from the lack of business ethics, which support its ongoing survival. Toyota is one that suffered ethical crisis caused by its vehicle recall. It attaches much more importance to economic benefits than Corporate Social Responsibility, and also focus on shareholders but not stakeholders; all these produced its current ethical dilemma. As can be seen from the Toyota case, an enterprise, even a big one, must respect ethical issues. In this regard, an effective communication, as a tactic or a strategy, can help to solve ethi cal conflicts and balance interests of stakeholders. In short, business ethics is going from the edge to the center of management and becomes the strategy of corporation. So any corporation should value ethics and regard it as the starting point of any decision-making and action. Only when its wealth objective is consistent with the expectations and request of both the public and society, it can get enough support and achieve further success.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Hamlets Insanity :: essays research papers
The Darkness of Insanity à à à à à Insanity is an ever growing black hole which envelopes the pitiful mind of the its victim. The mental condition of Hamlet has been well debated throughout the years even though in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet does admit that his madness is an elaborate scheme. Many see this fact as a way to discredit the idea of Hamlet’s insanity but one should also take into consideration the amount of proven psychopaths who constantly admit to their sanity. Through his actions and emotions prevalent through the play, Hamlet does indeed prove his insanity despite his denial of it. It is quite obvious that Hamlet possesses a troubled mind resulting from a gross state of melancholy, which later leads to him becoming disillusioned. Another fact to strengthen the idea of his insanity is his treatment of his beloved girlfriend, Ophelia and his loving mother, Gertrude. One might find it difficult to ponder the thought of any sane person denouncing their love for their lover without showing the slightest hint of sadness. However, Hamlet does perform this wicked deed. The protagonist’s mind is also filled with enough incestuous thoughts of his very own mother to disturb the audience. The most troubling and powerful piece of evidence to prove his insanity is that he does not feel the slightest twinge of guilt nor the smallest sliver of remorse after he murders three innocent bystanders in cold blood. The human conscience is what separates humans from animals because human’s have the ability to question evil deeds such as murder yet Hamlet’s conscience remains untouched after the murders of three people. The lack of guilt should be proof enough that Hamlet’s mind is convoluted. à à à à à Throughout the play Hamlet continuously shows characteristics that are closely related to madness. One of the more prominently shown characteristic is depression, which is also known to psychiatrists as the gateway to insanity. The depression caused by the murder of his father runs rampant during the course of the play and helps to led him down to his ultimate path of ruin. Hamlet’s depression is so powerful and visible that it begins to disturb his mother: “Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted colour off, And let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark Do not for ever with thy vailed lids Seek for thy noble father in the dust. Thou know’st ‘tis common – all that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity.'; (Shakespeare 1.
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